01 May 2023
Personalised Support for Your Health Journey
ANNOUNCEMENT: We’re pleased to announce that Argus and BF&M have completed their amalgamation.
Click here to learn more about how we are moving forward together
Our integrated and comprehensive approach to Short Term and Long Term Disability guarantees continuity of benefits that is both appropriate and affordable for you and your employees.
Partial Disability and Rehabilitation benefits are included in our plans to help employees return to work while getting the support they need to make a full recovery.
Our Long Term Disability benefit protects employees from the impact of long term inflation by indexing the benefit through the optional Cost of Living Adjustment feature.
Our customers find receiving Disability benefits from Argus convenient because our experienced representatives help them navigate multiple insurance coverages and obligations.
Our experienced representatives look forward to speaking with you.
Coverage :
Up to 26 Weeks
Our Standard Short Term policy provides either our standard 13 weeks or up to 26 weeks of income benefits to employees who are unable to work due to accidents or illnesses.
Coverage :
Beyond 13 weeks
Our Long Term policy provides monthly income benefit protection for recipients should they become totally disabled.
Personalised Support for Your Health Journey
Helping Your Employees Manage Their Health
When are Short Term Disability Premiums Set?
Group Underwriters set Short Term Disability Premiums during renewals. A group underwriter will review a group as a whole, factor in claims experience and set the rate based on a pre-determined cost analysis spreadsheet. The Short Term Disability premiums are billed monthly to the policyholder and will appear on the same invoice as their group health.
Short Term Disability plan renewals occur throughout the year and usually renew on the anniversary date of the policy or its original effective date.
Who should be advised of a Short Term Disability Claim?
Short Term Disability claims should be directed to our Customer Service Team on 298-0888 or at insurance@argus.bm Our Claims Team will advise if the claim is deemed a disability and communicate with the policyholder and employee on the particulars of the case.
What benefit(s) are payable for Short Term Disability?
Our standard income replacements are 50%, 66.67% and 75% of weekly earnings. Each benefit is subject to an overall weekly maximum, and plan design varies from plan sponsor.
Weekly Benefits will be paid to or on behalf of an Insured Employee if he/she becomes disabled while insured, is totally disabled throughout the Elimination Period, remains disabled beyond the end of the elimination period and submits proof of loss to us.
The Weekly Benefit will not exceed the Insured employee's net weekly benefit, or be paid for longer than the maximum benefit period. Please check with a group underwriter for additional information.