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Hamilton, Bermuda – 17 August 2022 – Today the Argus Group released its Annual Report for the financial year ended 31 March 2022. The report’s theme is More Than Meets The Eye, inviting the reader to take a closer look and learn how Argus is delivering value for shareholders through its accelerated pace of change and growth.

Argus Group Chief Executive Officer Alison Hill stated, “Earlier this year, we were delighted to report how the Argus Group has successfully navigated the financial and operational complexities of the past 12 months and delivered another year of strong economic performance and shareholder returns.

“Our 2022 annual report provides greater insight into how Argus has delivered meaningful value to all stakeholders and how we are reimagining sustainable physical, financial and mental wellbeing in each of our markets.

“For many, Argus is seen as a traditional insurance company serving a small island community in the middle of the Atlantic. But take a closer look and you will find that we have reimagined our whole business. We have quietly gone about rethinking our place, our products, and our very purpose. A closer look at our balance sheet, reveals the work done to prepare for accelerated growth, building scale, and diversification. A closer look at our growing business footprint reveals a diversified portfolio that can be exported to other integrated communities. A closer look at our expanding offer reveals our commitment to look after our customers’ physical, financial and mental wellbeing. A closer look at our people, reveals talent density and diversity. A friendly, focused and formidable team that is building an integrated, digitised customer and employee experience. We are closely examining our sustainability as an organisation and making meaningful change to leave the planet a better place.

“We are proud of the sustainability work we have undertaken in the last year so have included a new sustainability section in this year’s Annual Report to share our strategy, focus and priorities. A full Sustainability Report will be issued in the coming weeks.

“This year’s results are a reflection of the hard work of my colleagues around the company and the belief our customers and shareholders place in us on a daily basis.

“Together, we are a powerful force for sustainable physical, financial and mental wellbeing. Making life meaningfully better in our connected communities.”