Workers’ Compensation Insurance Policies from Argus Insurance Bermuda - Argus Bermuda
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The Argus Group helps businesses secure Workers’ Compensation Insurance—including Employer’s Liability—that is both appropriate and affordable.

Liability Protection
Our policies will cover you against your statutory liabilities if your employees suffer a work-related accident.

Wage Replacement
With Argus, you can be secure knowing that you are providing predefined compensation for any loss of earnings your employees may experience due to a work-related injury or illness.

Coverage for Medical Expenses
Let us help you help your employees with their medical expenses that mirror the legislated benefits and which are incurred as a direct result of a work-related accident or illness.

Compensation for Job-related Disease or Fatal Injury
If an employee should die as the direct result of an injury or illness sustained due to a workplace accident, the policy will pay a pre-determined benefit.
Interested in Learning More?
Our experienced representatives look forward to speaking with you.
We Offer a Wide Range* of Coverage
With Argus, you can choose from two wage replacement coverages to meet the needs of your business.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Workers' Compensation?
Workers' Compensation is a wage loss replacement benefit for expenses arising out of an accident or illness that occurs while working for an employer. In other words, job-related injuries and illnesses.
Bermuda has legislated benefits under the Workers’ Compensation Act (1965) together with subsequent amendments that hold employers liable to compensate their employees for loss of income and medical expenses. However, for most industries, insurance is not mandatory and the employer can choose either to self-insure against such expenses or purchase a workers’ compensation policy from an insurer.

Who is eligible for Workers' Compensation benefits?
All employees, aged 16 or above, of the Employer as defined by the Employment Act of 2000 and subsequent amendments, who are Bermuda residents and work for the Employer in connection with the Employer’s Business.
Eligible classes of employees can include:
- Part-time employees working less than 15 hours per week for the Employer,
- Temporary employees working less than three months per year for the Employer,
- Students working for the Employer on weekends, public holidays and /or vacation periods.
Please note eligible classes of employees can vary from plan to plan.

What is paid under our Workers' Compensation Plans?
There are six components included in our Workers' Compensation Plan in accordance with the Workers’ Compensation Act 1965. Benefits are payable in the event of death, disability or injury resulting from a workplace accident as follows:
(1) death benefit equal to the deceased employee’s earnings in the past 3 years*
(2) permanent total incapacity benefit equal to the disabled employee’s earnings in the past 4 years*,
(3) permanent partial incapacity benefit equal to a percentage of the amount payable for permanent total incapacity
(4) wage loss replacement for an injured employee who is unable to work in the amount of 2/3 of weekly earnings (or a higher percentage of salary if selected by the employer)
(5) medical expenses in accordance with legislated fees and benefits and
(6) employers’ liability at law is covered .
*or 3 or 4 years, as applicable, of the average annual per capita income as recorded by the Bermuda Government

Is my business eligible to receive Workers' Compensation benefits if employees are under quarantine or self-quarantine?
No. To qualify for Workers’ Compensation benefits an employee must be disabled due to a work-related accident or occupational disease as defined in the Workers' Compensation legislation and unable to work.