20 Jul 2023
Staying Active: The Many Benefits of Running
ANNOUNCEMENT: We’re pleased to announce that Argus and BF&M have completed their amalgamation.
Click here to learn more about how we are moving forward together
Quickly search for employee and dependent details online.
Add and remove employees and dependents from your plans in just a few simple steps.
Quickly download claims and census reports, and your schedule of benefits.
Once your account has been `Activated` instantly start managing your company's group health information
SIGN IN >Staying Active: The Many Benefits of Running
Importance of Preventative Healthcare
How do I access the Student Mental Health Hotline?
To access the Student Mental Health Hotline please dial the appropriate number below.
U.S. and Canada: 1-855-649-8641
Outside U.S. and Canada: 001-416-380-6578
What are my health insurance benefits for a travelling companion?
We understand at times that our clients may require assistance for a travel companion when accessing your Argus health benefits. Benefits for a travelling companion are approved in the following circumstances:
Who do I contact if I have any questions about my health insurance plan?
Customer Service Centre:
For routine health claims questions, call 298-0888 to speak with one of our knowledgeable Customer Service Representatives.
Worldwide Call Centre (if you require treatment overseas):
Before making any arrangements to travel overseas for medical treatment, please call us for pre-approval.From Bermuda, Canada and USA, call 1-800-720-7315 (toll free) or 1-905-532-2954 (collect) or email overseascare@argus.bm. Argus Representatives are available to provide assistance with emergency medical care, emergency medical evacuation, discharge planning, loss of travel documents and insurance verification.
Who qualifies as my dependent?
Your spouse (including legally married or common law spouse or legal domestic partner) and children.
Your child must be an unmarried, natural child, step-child, child of a dependent spouse or a legally adopted child who: