- Celebrating the beautiful weather
- Celebrating our Bermudian Culture and Community
- How friendly everyone is
- Drinking lemonade and watching the runners on the home stretch
- The view along the South Shore
- Beating my personal goals at the Derby
- Running in the Derby!
- Saving a spot to cheer at the Derby
- Making signs the night before the derby
- Rounding the corner at the Birdcage
- Seeing the children ride their bikes
- Watching the race from my boat
- Competition between competitors
- Reaching the 110th anniversary of the Derby
- Watching the race from my living room
- Looking awesome in my trainers
- Improving my fitness level
- Not getting hurt
- Spending time with family and friends
- Family traditions
- Cheering on the runners
- Seeing who comes first
- Personal accomplishments
- Watching Mr. Darrell come through front street with his huge smile
- Running across Somerset Bridge
- Rowdy crowd at Flatt’s Village!
- Seeing all the children having fun dancing
- Seeing Bermudians come together as one big family
- Feeling the breeze on the causeway from the ocean
- Seeing a sign with my name on it
- Supporting my co-worker
- Getting my favorite spot from last year to see the runners
- Receiving water from all the of the water stops
- Eating a nice cold slice of orange
- Getting a massage after the race
- Completing the race in record time
- Helping out a participant who is struggling
- Setting up our pop-up tent and chairs
- Eating fish cakes while waiting for the runners
- Seeing the different relay teams
- Being a TV star for a moment
- Running along the beautiful Bermudian roads
- Reaching Bernard’s Park
- Seeing my friends finish after me
- Receiving a special drink from my buddy at Fort Hill Road
- Seeing my children’s smiles when I finish the race
- Competing with my friends
- Beating my friend’s time
- Finishing the race earlier than last years’ time
- Watching the race from my porch
- Running for my cousin who passed
- Running for the first time and making new friends
- The kickoff to summer
- Getting a medal
- Supporting from the sidelines
- Seeing the creative costumes/outfits
- Passing the baton to my friend
- Feeling light rain drops coming over Queen Street
- Running in the Derby for the first time!
- Seeing the skaters come through Cedar Avenue
- The Bermuda Half Marathon Derby Committee who work tirelessly to coordinate the event
- The Water Station volunteers
- St. John’s Ambulance
- Corporation of Hamilton
- Bermuda Youth & Sport
- Running across the causeway
- Cedar Avenue spectators — the best!
- Running the quiet stretch along the causeway
- Making it over painful Crawl Hill
- Trailblazers: Merernette Bean, Cal Bean, Debbie Butterfield, and Raymond Swan
- Introduction of the relay — I can actually be a part of the event!
- Lots of Derby prizes!
- Eating Robin’s potato salad early in the morning watching Renee run
- The almost $110,000 the Derby has donated to charities
- The introduction of the St. George’s route
- The Siblings Trophy as a tribute to runners Neil and Neville Virgil
- Watching Angela and her girls give out peanuts right before the Derby
- Seeing Craig running through the finish line with this daughter, Abby
- Seeing people of different cultures celebrating Bermuda
- Being part of a relay team
- Being surrounded by people with a passion for running
- Reuniting with old friends
- Being part of a community
- Finishing the race!
- Completing the race without walking
- Getting my body in shape for summer
- Showing pride for my country
- Soaking in the hot tub after the marathon
- Feeling like I’ve earned a cheat meal after my run
- Proving to myself that I can do it
- Nine time champion, Kavin Smith
- The introduction of chip timing for runners
- Pre-race live TV commentary
- 700-800 runners compete yearly
- Formal designation of the Derby as a half marathon
- The Horton family at Somerset water stop
- Completing the race without crying
The Awesome Sponsors
- Burrows & Lightbourn
- Appleby
- Rubis/Rayclan
- Travel Edge
- Beyond Fitness
- Skyport
- Fairmont Southampton
- People’s Pharmacy
- Smiler’s Tuning Repair
- The Reef’s Club
- Sportseller
- Argus… it’s our absolute pleasure