Group Members
Frequently Asked Questions
2022 Health Benefits
1. How is Argus supporting me during the COVID-19 pandemic?
The overall health and wellness of our members is our primary focus at this time. We understand the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and are here to help you through these challenges by offering flexible and meaningful solutions.
2. How will my premium be calculated this year?
This year’s premium calculations remain the same as in previous years. Your total premium will be inclusive of the Standard Premium Rate (SPR) and your Supplementary Premium, as follows:
Standard Premium Rate (SPR)
The SPR remains at $400.31 per month per insured adult. This includes the Mutual Reinsurance Fund and Standard Health Benefit Premiums, an amount set and charged by Government that Argus pays on your behalf.
Supplementary Premium
The premiums for supplemental medical, dental and vision care benefits are administered by Argus and are based on:
- Your specific demographics (two-year age band)
- General medical inflation
- Trends in utilisation of services
- Claims experience for our entire book of business
- Your benefit- plan
3. Has the Bermuda Government made additional amendments to the Bermuda Health Plan?
For more information regarding the Government’s proposed changes to the Bermuda Health Plan, click here.
4. What is Argus doing to reduce the escalating costs of healthcare?
As we journey beyond COVID-19, our goal remains the same: to lead with compassion and to support the ongoing needs of our clients. We will support the health and wellness of our members through our signature Thrive. Population Health Programme and pilot Diabetes Rewind Programme.
5. Who should I contact if I require medical treatment overseas?
Argus, in partnership with One Team Health (‘OTH’), provides seamless overseas healthcare management while helping to reduce and control costs. The OTH staff of doctors, nurses and case managers work together to provide access to appropriate and high-quality care, allowing you to focus on your health, not logistics. Please call 298-0429 to speak to an OTH representative.
6. What tools are available to help me better manage my healthcare?
We encourage you to take full advantage of the broad range of Thrive. tools and resources, which are available at no additional cost. Our mobile app, powered by Tictrac, can be customised to help employees build healthy habits. Tictrac measures your activity against a weekly target of 150 active minutes - meet this goal and we'll reward you $5 each week, that's up to $260 a year! All rewards will be paid on a quarterly basis through our electronic funds transfer service.
To learn more, contact Shakira Warner, our Population Health Specialist at thrive@argus.bm.
7. What are the benefits of using the Argus Vantage portal?
With Vantage, using a single username and password, you can obtain a total view of your Argus Health account. Using your desktop, tablet or smartphone, Vantage provides easy access to the tools and resources needed to help you better manage your plan.
- Access benefits information 24/7
- Submit claims online
- View and print ID cards from home
- Access digital wellness tools and challenges with Get Up & Thrive.
8. Can I receive my Argus reimbursement payments via electronic funds transfer (‘EFT’)?
On March 31st, we eliminated the printing of hard copy cheques for health claims payments. All clients are now required to sign up for EFT to receive their health claims reimbursements. The process is quick and easy. Click here to sign up.
If you have any further questions, please contact our Customer Service Centre at 298-0888 or insurance@argus.bm