Kids – help your parents get hurricane ready!
- Check you have batteries for flashlights and anything else that might need them
- Help your parents pick plenty of non-perishable snacks, such as dried fruit, chips, crackers and granola bars
- Check your family first-aid kit is complete and contains band-aids, antiseptic cream, disposable gloves, aspirin, safety pins and sterile dressings
- Check that you have plenty of board games and books, and that your iPads, tablets and cell phones are fully charged before the storm comes
- Help your parents fill sand buckets for candles – these will make them stay upright safely
- Talk to your friends before the storm to help them get prepared
- Check your parents have done everything on the list below
And parents:
- Check your insurance documents for your house, car, boat, etc. to make sure your plans are up to date
- Stock up on any important medication
- Check your fire extinguisher is working
- Prepare to board up your doors and windows with plywood, and keep all shutters closed
- Check you have plenty of drinking water in the house
- Make sure the cupboards are full of tinned foods and other non-perishable goods
- Check on your neighbours to make sure they’re equally well prepared
- Fill up your bathtub with water and keep a bucket handy (to flush the toilet), in case of a power-cut.
- Download some movies to watch as a family
- Make sure all your outdoor furniture is secure
- Bring your pets inside well before the storm arrives, and make sure they have plenty of food and water (for at least three days)
- Fill your cars and motorcycles with fuel, and make sure they’re not parked underneath trees
The storms that develop in the Atlantic Ocean are unpredictable and can suddenly worsen or disappear very quickly. If a hurricane or tropical storm is approaching the Island make sure you and your family keep updated by listening to the radio, watching the news or checking www.gov.bm, www.weather.bm or www.Facebook.com/bermudaweatherservice
And parents, we understand in the wake of COVID-19 money may be tight, so ensuring you have coverage ahead of time is important to keep you out of financial harm. Our team will review your policies and determine the best level of coverage for your needs.
Please contact us online at argus.bm, by email at insurance@argus.bm, or by phone at 298-0888.