To start, did you know that the most common claim following a hurricane is for roof damage? Of course, the roof is a major part of a home’s infrastructure and damage to it can cost in the tens of thousands. It’s important to have your roof checked prior to hurricane season to ensure that it is safe and ready to brave the weather of the season. You may only need basic patches, but getting them repaired now can save you the anguish of dealing with more extensive damage following a storm.
Beyond the roof, doors and windows are another big challenge during a hurricane. Unfortunately, if they are not kept secure, they become easy conduits for damage, as they open your home to the elements. Hurricanes can break or blow out windows and doors causing internal flooding and allowing dangerous winds inside. Be sure to carefully inspect the doors and windows in your home before a hurricane approaches. This way, if anything needs to be replaced or repaired (i.e. screws, hinges, frames, etc.), you will have plenty of time to secure and install the new parts before it is too late.
Now is the time to ensure that the hurricane shutters on your property are working properly. Do not wait until a hurricane is announced, as parts run out on the Island, you do not want to be left unprotected or have to wait in the long lines of last minute shoppers. Take the time to check your roof, doors and windows. It can help to keep you and your family safe this hurricane season.